Hello, Fantails!
After all the travel and medical tests, it’s been good to get back to my usual schedule. Health-wise, I’m just waiting to hear back from insurance before I start treatment. I imagine from my author’s notes it isn’t a secret, but catastrophic APS (antiphospholipid antibody syndrome) has made life exciting the last six years. I’m on enough medication that it shouldn’t still be trying to kill me outright, but I’m still tired and in pain all the time. There are treatments that would get me back to 100%, but I’ve spent the last few months trying other treatments first and making the case to insurance to cover the better treatments. Right now, it’s just a waiting game. But if it’s covered and the treatment works, you can probably expect my writing output to double, so fingers crossed! (Or paws, talons, etc.)
I’m still hard at work on Reevesbane, but I don’t have a release date yet. While undergoing the other treatments, it was a little easier to write short stories, hence the newsletter and Patreon short stories. There are two more in the Blue Eyes series that’ll release this month and next. I’ve had a lot of fun writing them, and I appreciate all of the fan mail. It seems like Satra and Mignet is the favorite so far, but wait ’til you read this month’s. Here’s a tiny spoiler: it has snow.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t much of a spoiler. December’s story will serve as a capstone to the anthology, touching on all of the previous stories. A few people have asked about adding a paperback or hardcover to their shelves. Fleeks is working on the back cover and spine, so I’ll see what I can do. I’d like to keep Blue Eyes exclusive to the newsletter/Patron, but if you really want a paperback or hardcover, use the contact form and let me know. We can figure something out once I actually have author copies.
Despite the medical tests, it’s been a good year, writing-wise. Three gryphon books released, a gryphon short story collection wrapping up, and next year should be even better than 2019. I have at least two exciting announcements coming up, but I’ll save those for later. I’d rather announce them with a bit of flash (and a chibi gryphon heart).
What I’m currently reading: Just finished Rachel Neumeier’s Griffin Mage trilogy, Glenn Birmingham’s Dragon Source, John Bailey’s Dire, and Dustin Porta’s Whalemoon. I have a little nonfiction reading to do, then it’s time to dive into KJ Taylor’s Dark Griffin 9-book series and Erin Hoffman’s Chaos Knight trilogy.