Ferrick’s Story is an over 19k fanfic set in a world where Ferrick survives. You can read it on AO3.A comic version of Starling’s Prologue, page 1.A comic version of Starling’s Prologue, page 2.A comic version of Starling’s Prologue, page 3.A comic version of Starling’s Prologue, bonus page!Gryphlet Tresh and the Rock CrabPridelord Parody Cover. (I did get it out! Now to try to get out Saberbeak before the parody covers for that one start showing up…)Lei Trans PrideZeph, Kia, and the Seraph KingStripes, a motmot, a motmot, and a motmot.Stripes, probably moments before forgetting she’s poisonous and hugging a new friend.Hatzel, Emin, and ZephAri, Kjarr DenmotherAskel the PhoenixBalthar the FifthBario the PhoenixBeakyBiski FeathermaneBlack MaskBlinkyBlue, Boring, and Fantail: Merin’s Three Least Competent OffspringReeve Brevin of the Redwood ValleyBruenCardinal aka “Card”Carru, the Oncoming StormCherine Metalbeak, Scholar of the Padfoot PrideChert of the AbyssCici, Li-Enn, and Bluemane from the short story “Connixation.”Cielle of The WrecksRudder and Clamshell of the Stormtail PrideCockatiel ForgerDarionDerachoDustyRanger Lord Ellore of the Crackling SeaEmin, Alabaster ReeveEmin, the Seraph KingErlock Fantail / Chartail / StartailFelicio the PhoenixFerrick, Ranger of the Crackling SeaFoultner, Clover Ranch’s Worst EmployeeJotan and GoldfeatherGolrin Goldpaw and Tielle, formerly of the Fantail and Williwaw PridesGrax of the StrixPride Leader Grenkin, Formerly Ranger Lord Grenkin of the Crackling SeaGressle of Swan’s Rest, Formerly of the Crackling SeaHatzel, the Last Saberbeak, Pink Paw PrideReeve’s Guard Captain Henders, Employee of the Year at the Redwood Valley Botanical Gardens, Clover Ranch, Silver Mine Ranch (Three Years Running).Hi-kun the Metalworks, The King’s Talons, Lord of WhitebeakSandlord Reeve Pride Leader Reeve Hoppy Padfoot of the Padfoot Pride, Ruler of CrestfallImpir the MadIony Silver-Ear of SeraphmeltGrand Empress Ivess of the Twin EyriesBlue Jay of the Feathermane PrideJer, Ranger of the Ashen WealdReeve Jonas of the Crackling SeaJun the KjarrKhalimKia ReevesbaneReeve’s Guards Larren and MaurleLei, Salt TraderLemmy of BlacktalonLenti from “Silver Eyes”Mally the NighthauntMerinRanger Lord MiaMignet from “Blue Eyes”Milun and the elder crone of the bog prideA motmot, a motmot, a motmot, and a motmotNaya of the DunesNeider, Headmaster of the Redwood Valley UniversityNighteyes of the Nightsky PrideNinox of the StrixNjorn, Dire Gryphon Boyfriend, from the Dire Universe queer folk horror novel “Coldbright”OlanOrlea of the UnderboughParakeet smuggler with his pet sand swimmer monitorPink PawThe Pink Reeve and Captain JinglesPiprik, Eyes of the Seraph KingPumpkin, Medicine Gryphon in Training, Hoarfrost Pride (Formerly Bog Pride)Quess of Swan’s Rest (formerly Crane’s Nest)RakeshRorin the Hunter of Swan’s RestReeve Rybalt ReevesbaneSatra the KjarrSharpclawsSilky of the Silkmouth PrideReeve Silver of the Argent HeightsSlate of the AbyssSoft Paws, Leader of the Bog PrideSound of Snow, Squirrelbane, and MarshmallowDidi (Splotchy Blue)Sponge, Champion of the Padfoot PrideStripes of the Pitohui EyrieStrixThenca of the Hoarfrost Pride, Formerly Kjarr Pride, Formerly Bog PrideThistle of the Bog PrideTinkt, DarkstalkerTrisk from the Dire Universe folk horror novel “Coldbright”Turresh the Shark, aka Tresh Sharkbeak of Swan’s Rest, Formerly Crane’s NestUrious, Leader of the WingtornVeron the Night Parrot, Parrotface PrideVilessa of BlacktalonVitra the Kjarr, Former Bog Pride LeaderVosk, Former Snowfall Pride LeaderWendl the SixthMothfeather University Apprentice WenlWhisper and FlickerWhite Stripe of the Bog PrideWolden, Commander of the Redwood Valley EyrieXalt, Ashen Weald RangerXavi of the Pink Paw PrideXin of the Pink Paw PrideYenni from the Dire Universe queer folk horror novel “Coldbright”Younce, Famous Gourd ThiefZeph Parrotbane / Reevesbane / BeeflightZeph’s Mom (unnamed)Zrim Feathermane, Former Leader of the Feathermane PrideStekin! Okay, not fan art of my characters, but these cheered up my husband, Glenn Birmingham, author of Dragon Source =] So if you’re here looking for CockatielForger artwork, you should see them, too!Stekin: He’s in charge, but he’s also kind of a brat sometimes.