Hello! Welcome to the Gryphon List. This is a list of all of the book that prominently feature gryphons in them. If I’m missing one, use the contact form to let me know. I’m working on a section for books with gryphon cameos and one for books with gryphon in the title that don’t actually contain gryphons. Because Amazon has the largest selection, I’ve used Amazon links. If you’d like to see links to Kobo or iTunes instead, let me know. If you’re an author with gryphon books and you want to clarify something here or would like your books added to the list, let me know. First and foremost, this is my personal reading list. I love gryphon books!

Thiago Abdalla

  1. A Touch of Light (The Ashes of Avarin 1)
  2. A Shade of Madness (The Ashes of Avarin 2)

Nicole and Shar Abreu (authors), Susanna Covelli (illustrator)

Children’s illustrated book about counting. Thank you @SKaiGottschalk on Twitter for the recommendation!
Authors website: nicoleandshar.com

Gillian Bronte Adams

Updated 12/2018! Series has three books now. @theSongKeeper GillianBronteAdams.com

  1. Orphan’s Song (Songkeeper Chronicles 3)
  2. Songkeeper (Songkeeper Chronicles 2)
  3. Song of Leira (Songkeeper Chronicles 3)

Michael Angel

The Fantasy and Forensics series is now complete with ten books, all of which feature a gryphon, Grimshaw, as a major secondary character. There’s a new isekai LitRPG series, Pirate Wizard, which includes a major supporting gryphon starting with chapter ten. This series was also available on Royal Road.
Website: michaelangelwriter.weebly.com

  1. Centaur of the Crime (Fantasy and Forensics 1)
  2. The Deer Prince’s Murder (Fantasy and Forensics 2)
  3. Grand Theft Griffin (Fantasy and Forensics 3)
  4. A Perjury of Owls (Fantasy and Forensics 4)
  5. Forgery of the Phoenix (Fantasy and Forensics 5)
  6. Assault in the Wizard Degree (Fantasy and Forensics 6)
  7. Trafficking in Demons (Fantasy and Forensics 7)
  8. A Warrant of Wyverns (Fantasy and Forensics 8)
  9. A Conspiracy of Unicorns (Fantasy and Forensics 9)
  10. Dragon with a Deadly Weapon (Fantasy and Forensics 10)
  1. Pirate Wizard (Seas of Avalon 1)
  2. Pirate Wizard 2 (Seas of Avalon 2)
  3. Pirate Wizard 3 (Seas of Avalon 3)

Piers Anthony

Kelley Armstrong

Middle grade, appears to be gryphons as monsters. (Need confirmation.)

  1. A Royal Guide to Monster Slaying (Royal Guide to Monster Slaying 2)
  2. The Gryphon’s Lair (Royal Guide to Monster Slaying 2)
  3. The Serpent’s Fury (Royal Guide to monster Slaying 3)
  4. The Final Trial (Royal Guide to monster Slaying 4)

John Bailey

Tags: Sapient gryphons, gryphon protagonist, creature fantasy (no humans). Tales of Feathers & Flames is an anthology set in the world of Dire that includes a full novel by K. Vale Nagle, a triptych of stories by Saylor Ferguson, a vignette by Alexander Bizzell, a Choose Your Own Adventure story by Glenn Birmingham, short stories by M. H. Wolfe and J.F.R. Coates, cover by Fleeks, and an interior art piece by Maria Puenchir. Dire 2 is coming soon!

  1. Dire (Feathers & Flames 1)
  2. Tales of Feathers & Flames (Feathers & Flames Short Stories)

Robin Wayne Bailey

Roz Gibson of Griffin Ranger fame says that this trilogy has gryphons and they get more page time with each volume. If there are affordable ebooks or paperbacks somewhere, please let me know! I’m still missing Undersky.

  1. Dragonkin: Wyvernwood (Dragonkin 1)
  2. Dragonkin: Talisman (Dragonkin 2)
  3. Dragonkin: Undersky (Dragonkin 3)

Wilanne Schneider Belden

Tags: gryphon as main character (not protagonist), sapient gryphons, YA, contemporary fantasy, gryphon as spaceship

  • Frankie! (Middle Grade. Girl finds out she’s having a new sibling and she’s wondering if it’s going to be a brother or a sister but it turns out to be a gryphon. True story, this was the first gryphon book I ever read as a little gryphlet.)

Elizabeth-Rose Best

Saylor reports that the first book is gryphon light, but the gryphons are sapient minor characters going from book two onwards, and book four is full of gryphons. December 2021 update: the series is currently out of print, but reach out to the author if you’d like to see it made available again.

  1. The Naiad Chronicles: Vision (Naiad Chronicles 1)
  2. The Naiad Chronicles: Messenger (Naiad Chronicles 2)
  3. The Naiad Chronicles: Caller (Naiad Chronicles 3)
  4. The Naiad Chronicles: Guardian (Naiad Chronicles 4)

Alexander Bizzell

Alex can be found on Twitter at @ReinBourne.

Tags: gryphon as protagonist, sapient gryphons, slice of life, urban fantasy (rural fantasy?), gryphon sports (gryphball), thanks me in the acknowledgements (awwww)

  1. The Gryphon Generation (Gryphon Generation 1)
  2. The Gryphon Generation 2: A New Era (Gryphon Generation 2)
  3. The Gryphon Generation 3: Colony (Gryphon Generation 3)
  4. The Gryphon Generation 4: Ascension (Gryphon Generation 4)

Lisa Blackwood

While it’s part of a series, they all stand alone. It’s unclear if any others include gryphons, but the product description sounds like this is a sapient gryphon shapeshifter romance.

Gillian Bradshaw

Kristen Britain

The gryphons have their own subplot in Firebrand, and they appear in the next book, Winterlight, according to Cloey D. (Thanks for the heads up!)

Kathryn Brown

Sapient gryphons, gryphon PoV characters, gryphon protagonists. The first three books are also available as a boxed set.

  1. A Gryphon’s Journey (Quill and Claw 1)
  2. A Gryphon’s Trial (Quill and Claw 2)
  3. A Gryphon’s Mercy (Quill and Claw 3)

Miles Cameron

Recommendation from Bailey Bilt-Kravitz. The gryphon shows up in book 4 or 5 and is sapient but still a pet. Some versions of The Fall of Dragons cover show the gryphon, some don’t.

  1. The Red Knight (Traitor Son Cycle 1)
  2. The Fell Sword (Traitor Son Cycle 2)
  3. The Dread Wyrm (Traitor Son Cycle 3)
  4. The Plague of Swords (Traitor Son Cycle 4)
  5. The Fall of Dragons (Traitor Son Cycle 5)

Justin Cancilliere

Lewis Carroll

Tags: YA, sapient gryphons

J. F. R. Coates

According to the author, JFR Coates of Jaffa Books, book 3 is especially full of gryphons. @jfrcoates

Tags: sapient gryphons

  1. Axinstone (The Destiny of Dragons 1)
  2. Impossible Magic (The Destiny of Dragons 2)
  3. Fate of Three (The Destiny of Dragons 3)

A. Corrin

Twitter: @AuthorAlesa Website: acorrinbooks.com

  1. Jonathan: Prince of Dreams (Jonathan 1)
  2. Jonathan: Guardian of Dreams (Jonathan 2)
  3. Jonathan: King of Dreams (Jonathan 3)

Bruce Coville

Recommended by Minny Lynx with the note that the gryphon Medafil joins the party in the second book and is there on and off through books 3 and 4. The series has a focus on unicorns. The first book reads as more middle grade while the last three are aged up. Also, books 2 and 3 aren’t available in ebook and the paperbacks are all out of print, but the audio editions are on Audible.

  1. Into the Land of Unicorns (Unicorn Chronicles 1)
  2. Song of the Wanderer (Unicorn Chronicles 2)
  3. Dark Whispers (Unicorn Chronicles 3)
  4. The Last Hunt (Unicorn Chronicles 4)

Chrys Cymri

Chrys Cymri’s Penny White Christian fantasy series includes a cat-sized snarky gryphon side-kick. ChrysCymri.com @ChrysCymri

  1. The Temptation of Dragons (Penny White 1)
  2. The Cult of Unicorns (Penny White 2)
  3. The Marriage of Gryphons (Penny White 3)
  4. The Vengeance of Snails (Penny White 4)
  5. The Vexation of Vampires (Penny White 5)
  6. The Nest of Nessies (Penny White 6)
  7. The Weariness of Were-Wolves (Penny White 7)
  8. The Business of Bees (Penny White 8)
  9. The Humility of Humans (Penn White 9)

Delilah S. Dawson & Kevin Hearne

From @jdevansbooks, @authorjessowen, and @IseultSidhe1 on Twitter: the second book definitely has a farting sapient gryphon. You are so advised.

  1. Kill the Farm Boy (Tales of Pell 1)
  2. No Country for Old Gnomes (Tales of Pell 2)
  3. The Princess Beard (Tales of Pell 3)

Tom Deitz

One of the very rare books to include a keythong gryphon variant.

L. E. Doggett

Urban Fantasy. The first book has gryphons in it; the second has unicorns instead.

  1. Above My Pay GradeX2 (Vibrations Universe 1)
  2. Learning CurveX2 (Vibrations Universe 2)

Nerine Dorman

Raven gryphons!

William H. Dewayne

Tags: gryphons as monsters, YA, RPG elements

James Duvall

Frostrunes.com and @FrostruneDragon on Twitter. The Bloodthirsty Core includes a goblin-gryphontaur hybrid 1/3rd through the book, sapient but not a protagonist or PoV character.

Joe Ekaitis

V. M. Escalada

  1. Halls of Law (Faraman Prophecy 1)
  2. Gift of Griffins (Faraman Prophecy 2)

J. T. Evans

  1. Griffin’s Feather (Modern Myths 1)
  2. Viper’s Bane (Modern Myths 2)

Saylor Ferguson

Sapient gryphons, gryphon protagonists, gryphon PoV characters. Saylor actually vets a lot of the recommendations for the gryphon reading list, confirming that the books have gryphons in them. It is with great honor I add her to the list, too =]

  1. The Fifth (Dragons of Time 1)
  2. The Heirs’ Quest (Dragons of Time 2)

Randall Floyd

This series went through a rebranding and is looking good. The author confirms that while gryphons don’t appear until book three, they’re part of the mythology of the first two.

Tags: sapient gryphons, gryphon as protagonist (book3).

  1. The Lost Remnant (Mythic Beasts Chronicles 1)
  2. The First Encounter (Mythic Beasts Chronicles 2)
  3. The Endless Cave (Mythic Beasts Chronicles 3)
  4. The Gryphon Code (Mythic Beasts Chronicles 4)
  5. The Missing Relic (Mythic Beasts Chronicles 5)

E. G. Foley

The Gryphon Chronicles children’s book series. Husband/wife team: E for Eric, G for Gaelen. EGFoley.com

  1. The Lost Heir (Gryphon Chronicles 1)
  2. Jake & The Giant (Gryphon Chronicles 2)
  3. The Dark Portal (Gryphon Chronicles 3)
  4. Jake & the Gingerbread Wars (Novella that takes place between 3 & 4)
  5. Rise of Allies (Gryphon Chronicles 4)
  6. Secrets of the Deep (Gryphon Chronicles 5)
  7. The Black Fortress (Gryphon Chronicles 6)
  8. The Dragon Lord (Gryphon Chronicles 7)
  9. The Sorcerer’s Army (Gryphon Chronicles 8)

K. M. Frontain

Her number is a little confusing, but there’s a book called The Gryphon Taint which is either book 1 or book 4 depending on how you look at it.

Ben Galley

Ben Galley confirms the series has gryphons, or at least one particular gryphon on the cover of Pale Kings, and that said gryphon is still with us come The Forever King at least. Sounds sapient from our conversations.

  1. The Written (Emaneska 1)
  2. Pale Kings (Emaneska 2, gryphon cover)
  3. Dead Stars: Part One (Emaneska 3)
  4. Dead Stars: Part Two (Emaneska 4)
  5. No Fairytale (Emaneska 5)
  6. The Forever King (Emaneska 6)

Jessica Day George

There’s also a short story called “Holidays at the Castle” set between books 1 and 2. It’s available for free from the publisher in PDF format. This series recommended by @Fly_Cuttlefish on Twitter, who says they’re about kids at a castle who discover and hatch a gryphon egg. YA.

  1. Tuesdays at the Castle (Tuesdays at the Castle #1)
  2. Wednesdays in the Tower (Tuesdays at the Castle #2)
  3. Thursdays with the Crown (Tuesdays at the Castle #3)
  4. Fridays with the Wizards (Tuesdays at the Castle #4)
  5. Saturdays at Sea (Tuesdays at the Castle #5)

Roz Gibson

The Griffin Ranger Series. Note that while the covers are colorful, the books are kick-the-puppy dark with a strong sci-fi crime/noir feel. So far, they’re the darkest of the gryphon books I’ve read.

Tags: gryphon as protagonist, sapient gryphons, science fiction, alternative history, antihero, interior artwork

Twitter: @griffinranger

  1. Griffin Ranger: Crossline Plains (Griffin Ranger 1)
  2. Griffin Ranger: The Monster Lands (Griffin Ranger 2)
  3. Griffin Ranger: Isthmus (Griffin Ranger 3)
  4. Griffin Ranger: Second Sight (Griffin Ranger 4)

Paula Grover

Tags: gryphon as protagonist, sapient gryphons, coming of age, YA
Website: paulamandi.com

Heather G. Harris

Gryphon protector.

  1. Hex of the Witch (The Other Witch 1)
  2. Coven of the Witch (The Other Witch 2)
  3. Familiar of the Witch (The Other Witch 3)
  4. Destiny of the Witch (The Other Witch 4)

Elise Hennessy

Tags: gryphon riders, sapient gryphons, YA. Website: elisehennessy.com

  1. Gryphon Rider Academy: Year 1
  2. Gryphon Rider Academy: Year 2
  3. Gryphon Rider Academy: Year 3: Storm Front
  4. Gryphon Rider Academy: Year 4: Wild Flight

Erin Hoffman

On Twitter: @Gryphoness.

  1. Sword of Fire and Sea (The Chaos Knight 1)
  2. Lance of Earth and Sky (The Chaos Knight 2)
  3. Shield of Sea and Space (The Chaos Knight 3)

M. C. A. Hogarth

  1. Flight of the Godkin Griffin (The Goodkindred 1)
  2. The Godson’s Triumph (The Goodkindred 2)

L. E. Horn


  1. FREEFORCE: A Planetary Adventure (Darkon Rising 1)
  2. FREEFIRE: A Planetary Adventure (Darkon Rising 2)
  3. FREEFIGHT: A Planetary Adventure (Darkon Rising 3)

Julia Hughes

  1. The Griffin’s Boy (Griffin Riders Book 1)
  2. The Griffin Cryer (Griffin Riders Book 2)

John Ilho

Hugo Jackson

Young adult fantasy series featuring a gryphon as a prominent deuteragonist according to the author. @PhoenixTheBlade

  1. Legacy (The Resonance Tetralogy 1)
  2. Fracture (The Resonance Tetralogy 2)
  3. Ruin’s Dawn (The Resonance Tetralogy 3)

Dianna Wynne Jones

Also wrote Howl’s Moving Castle.

  1. Dark Lord of Derkholm
  2. Year of the Griffin

Elizabeth Kay

Suggestion by Tser, founder of the Gryphon’s Guild. Sapient gryphons.
Tags: gryphon protagonist, children’s book.

  1. The Divide (Divide Trilogy 1)
  2. Back to the Divide (Divide Trilogy 2)
  3. Jinx on the Divide (Divide Trilogy 3)

Sherilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love

Suggested by Tahnee with the note that while gryphons aren’t found throughout the series, the Alterants turn into the gryphons.

  1. Blood Trinity (Belador 1)
  2. Alterant (Belador 2)
  3. The Curse (Belador 3)
  4. Rise of the Gryphon (Belador 4)
  5. Demon Storm (Belador 5)
  6. Witchlock (Belador 6)
  7. Rogue Belador (Belador 7)
  8. Dragon King of Treoir (Belador 8)
  9. Belador Cosaint (Belador Book 9)
  10. Treoir Dragon Hoard (Belador 10)
  11. Evalle and Storm (Belador 11)

Crawford Kilian

I couldn’t find an ebook edition. Appears to be science fiction about a solar system being invaded by gryphons. A recent Tor.com article suggests that the gryphons are really more like intergalactic sasquatch wearing red thongs, so if someone reads this and can confirm one way or the other, I’d appreciate it!

Richard A. Knaak

The Dragonrealm series of books, especially The Gryphon Mage (Dragonrealms 14). I’m still figuring these out for the list. If you’ve read through this series and know gryphons fit in, I’d love some guidance.

Jay Kristoff

Tiger gryphon on the cover. Japanese steampunk. There’s also a novella set in the same word, The Last Stormdancer.
Tags (for The Last Stormdancer): sapient gryphons

  1. Stormdancer (Lotus War 1)
  2. Kinslayer (Lotus War 2)
  3. Endsinger (Lotus War 3)

Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon

The king and queen of gryphon books. The Valdemar series doesn’t include gryphons in every book, but I’ve listed the ones that have gryphons in them. I plan to go in and add the anthologies later, including the short story names of the gryphon stories. Also, if you want to try the non-gryphon Valdemar books, I have a soft spot for both Brightly Burning and the Magic’s Pawn/Promise/Price trilogy. The gryphons in the first two Narnia movies were inspired by Skandranon from The Black Gryphon.
Mercedes Lackey: MercedesLackey.com @mercedeslackey
Larry Dixon: GgryphonKing.com @LarryDixonTGK

Tags: gryphon as protagonist (Mage Wars), sapient gryphons (all), interior art

  1. The Black Gryphon (Mage Wars 1)
  2. The White Gryphon (Mage Wars 2)
  3. The Silver Gryphon (Mage Wars 3)
  1. Winds of Fate (Mage Winds 1)
  2. Winds of Change (Mage Winds 2)
  3. Winds of Fury (Mage Winds 3)
  1. Storm Warning (Mage Storms 1)
  2. Storm Rising (Mage Storms 2)
  3. Storm Breaking (Mage Storms 3)
  1. Owlflight (Owl Mage / Darian’s Tale 1)
  2. Owlsight (Owl Mage / Darian’s Tale 2)
  3. Owlknight (Owl Mage / Darian’s Tale 3)
  1. Gryphon in Light (Kelvren’s Saga 1)
  2. Gryphon’s Valor (Kelvren’s Saga 2)

Emily Lark

Wynrith Chronicles series. December 2021 Update: No longer listed on stores, author’s social media has disappeared. If you happen to know the author or if they’ll be back, use the contact form to get in touch.

  1. Trueblood’s Plight (Wynrith 1, gryphon on cover)
  2. Endarkened Touch (Wynrith 2, no gryphon on cover)
  3. Rise of the Fallen (Wynrith prequel novella, gryphon on cover)

S. A. MacLean

“The love interest is a gryphon keeper!” – Kai Gottschalk

Shannon McGee

ShannonTMcgee.com @WriterSTMcGee
Tags: YA, LGBTQIA+, gryphons as monsters (who’d have guessed with that title?), lesser gryphons (cute!), owl gryphons

Steve McHugh

Recommended by @SableDrakon on Twitter who says that books 3 and 4 are full of gryphons in particular.

  1. Crimes Against Magic (Hellequin Chronicles 1)
  2. Born of Hatred (Hellequin Chronicles 2)
  3. With Silent Screams (Hellequin Chronicles 3)
  4. Prison of Hope (Hellequin Chronicles 4)
  5. Lies Ripped Open (Hellequin Chronicles 5)
  6. Promise of Wrath (Hellequin Chronicles 6)

Brian McNatt

Twitter: @TheBrianMcNatt and website: www.authorbrianmcnatt.com

  1. Legends of Heraldale
  2. Legends of Heraldale II: Past Sins
  3. Legends of Heraldale III: Warborn
  4. Legends of Heraldale IV: Our Final Act

Anita Meadows

Says “Rider Chronicles Book 1,” but was published in 2012 with no sequel.

T. J. Muir

  • Under Luck’s Curse (A Chanmyr Chronicles Companion Story, currently a free reader magnet for signing up to Muir’s newsletter, appears to be a gryphon rider story.)

K. Vale Nagle

Hello! It’s me. If you read this far down my gryphon reading list, consider giving my gryphon books a try. As one fan claimed, “Wings of Fire for adults – with gryphons!”

Tags: sapient gryphons, gryphon protagonists, no humans, opinici, creature fiction.
@KValeNagle KValeNagle.com

  1. Eyrie (Gryphon Insurrection 1)
  2. Ashen Weald (Gryphon Insurrection 2)
  3. Starling (Gryphon Insurrection 3)
  4. Reevesbane (Gryphon Insurrection 4)
  5. The Ruins of Crestfall (Gryphon Insurrection 5)
  6. The Crackling Sea (Gryphon Insurrection 6)
  7. Opinicus (Gryphon Insurrection 7)
  8. Pridelord (Gryphon Insurrection 8)

Rachel Neumeier

The Griffin Mage Trilogy.
Tags: gryphon as protagonist (book 1, co-protagonist), sapient gryphons, gryphons as elementals.

  1. Lord of the Changing Winds (Griffin Mage 1)
  2. Land of the Burning Sands (Griffin Mage 2)
  3. Law of the Broken Earth (Griffin Mage 3)

Andre Norton and A. C. Crispin

I’ve read all three of these books and own a signed hardcover of at least one, but I can’t remember them since the memory loss. If someone else could confirm the gryphons in all three, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll include more information once I’ve reread them.

  1. The Crystal Gryphon
  2. Gryphon’s Eyrie
  3. Gryphon in Glory

Nick O’Donohoe

Crossroads series. No website, blog, or e-book editions. Ace published 1994-2000.
Tags: sapient gryphons.

  1. The Magic and the Healing (Crossroads 1)
  2. Under the Healing Sign (Crossroads 2)
  3. The Healing of Crossroads (Crossroads 3. This is the one with the most gryphons and the gryphons on the cover)

Jess E. Owen

Summer King Chronicles series. JessOwen.com @authorjessowen Jess kickstarted a fancy print run of hardcovers for the entire series. While the fancy Song of the Summer King hardcover isn’t available on its own right now, there are probably still some available as part of the boxed set which contains all four books if you reach out to the author directly. Jennifer Miller, award-winning fantasy and nature artist, made the covers.

Update: There is now a sequel series set years after The Starward Light that has a new protagonist but many familiar faces called the Dragon Star Saga.

Tags: gryphon as protagonist, sapient gryphons, young adult.

  1. Song of the Summer King (Summer King Chronicles 1)
  2. Skyfire (Summer King Chronicles 2)
  3. A Shard of Sun (Summer King Chronicles 3)
  4. By the Silver Wind (Summer King Chronicles 4)
  5. The Starward Light (Summer King Short Stories)
  1. Rise of the Dragon Star (Dragon Star Saga 1)
  2. Shadow Sun (Dragon Star Saga 2)

Loren Phillips

  1. Gryphon Riders of Havre Roche (Ecthalian 1)
  2. The Ronavin Butcher (Ecthalian 2)

Meredith Ann Pierce

Tags: Sapient gryphons, gryphons as mosters/antagonists, YA.

  1. Birth of the Firebringer (Firebringer 1)
  2. Dark Moon (Firebringer 2)
  3. The Son of Summer Stars (Firebringer 3)

Tamora  Pierce

This suggestion comes from Alita, who says that gryphons are in one chapter of the first book and make up almost half of the third book (with references to them in the fourth). Thank you, Alita! Also, @Fly_Cuttlefish let me know about the Protector of the Small series having a gryphon subplot in the third book. Thanks for the heads up!

  1. Wild Magic (The Immortals 1)
  2. Wolf-Speaker (The Immortals 2)
  3. Emperor Mage (The Immortals 3)
  4. The Realms of the Gods (The Immortals 4)
  1. First Test (Protector of the Small 1)
  2. Page (Protector of the Small 2)
  3. Squire (Protector of the Small 3, gryphon subplot)
  4. Lady Knight (Protector of the Small 4)

Michael James Ploof

  1. Arcane Veterinarian: A Cozy Fantasy LitRPG Series

Jeffrey Poole

I’m not sure yet how many gryphons are in the Lentari series, but several descriptions mention them, and there’s one on the cover of Close Encounters of the Magical Kind. The Bakkian Chronicles mentions gryphons in the descriptions for books 1 and 2.

  1. Lost City (Tales of Lentari 1)
  2. Something Wyverian This Way Comes (Lentari 2)
  3. A Portal for Your Thoughts (Lentari 3)
  4. Thoughts for a Portal (Lentari 4)
  5. Wizard in the Woods (Lentari 5)
  6. Close Encounters of the Magical Kind (Lentari 6)
  1. The Prophecy (Bakkian Chronicles 1)
  2. Insurrection (Bakkian Chronicles 2)
  3. Amulet of Aria (Bakkian Chronicles 3)

Christie Valentine Powell

Richard Purtill

Unclear what the series are about yet. @Fly_Cuttlefish discovered the used paperbacks, there aren’t any ebook editions.

  1. The Golden Gryphon Feather (Kaphtu 1)
  2. The Stolen Goddess (Kaphtu 2)
  3. The Mirror of Helen (Kaphtu 3)

Cat Rambo

Cat Rambo confirms that the second book definitely has a gryphon in it. @CatRambo KittyWumpus.net

Jaime Ricciardi

Kimberley A. Rogers

Katherine Rundell

The baby gryphlet is cute. Sentient gryphons.

  1. Impossible Creatures (Impossible Creatures 1)
  2. The Poisoned King (Impossible Creatures 2)

Ruby Ryan

Gryphons vs Dragons Paranormal Romance Series
Tags: sapient gryphons, shapeshifters, paranormal romance.

  1. The Emerald Gryphon (Gryphons vs. Dragons 1)
  2. The Sapphire Gryphon (Gryphons vs. Dragons 2)
  3. The Ruby Gryphon (Gryphons vs. Dragons 3)
  4. The Onyx Gryphon (Gryphons vs. Dragons 4)
  5. The Amethyst Gryphon (Gryphons vs. Dragons 5)

J. E. Schmidt

  • Ember (Echoes of Ashes book 1. No other books out at this time.)

Kris Schnee

Tags: sapient gryphons, gryphon PoVs

  1. Virtual Horizon (Thousand Tales 1)
  2. Liberation Game (Thousand Tales 2)
  3. Thousand Tales: Extra Lives (Thousand Tales 3)
  4. Fairwind’s Fortune (Thousand Tales 4)
  5. The Digital Coyote (Thousand Tales 5)
  6. Thousand Tales: Learning to Fly (Thousand Tales 6)
  7. Queen of Nowhere (Thousand Tales 7)
  8. Thousand Tales: Side Quests (Thousand Tales 8)
  9. 2040: Reconnection (Thousand Tales 9)
  10. Freelance Minion (Thousand Tales 10)

Jenny Schwartz

From the description, this series appears to have sapient gryphons. @Jenny_Schwartz AuthorJennySchwartz.com

  1. Stray Magic (Faerene Apocalypse 1)
  2. Bound Magic (Faerene Apocalypse 2)
  3. Loyal Magic (Faerene Apocalypse 3)

Tui T. Sutherland & Kari H. Sutherland

Tui T. Sutherland writes a lot of other creature fantasy, including the Wings of Fire and Warriors series. If you’re looking for gryphon covers specifically, the German editions are called Magic Park and all of them have gryphons or gryphlets on the cover.

  1. The Menagerie (Menagerie #1)
  2. The Menagerie #2: Dragon on Trial (Menagerie #2)
  3. The Menagerie #3: Krakens and Lies (Menagerie #3)

Magnolia Porter Siddell & Maddi Gonzalez

Coming August 13th, 2024! (Thank you to Kai for the heads up.)

  • Tiffany’s Griffon

Derek Alan Siddoway

There’s a prequel novella, Birds of a Feather, available by signing up for his newsletter. DerekAlanSiddoway.com There’s also a boxed set of the series, The Gryphon Riders Boxed Set, and a short story, “Holding Out,” set in the world in the Heroes Wanted anthology.
Tags: gryphon riders, gryphons as pets or mounts, YA.

  1. Windsworn (Gryphon Riders 1)
  2. Windswept (Gryphon Riders 2)
  3. Windbreak (Gryphon Riders 3)

Katherine A. Smith

  1. Hawkwind’s Tale (Northnest Saga 1)
  2. The Fledgling of Hawkwings (Northnest Saga 2)
  3. Hearthsraven (Northnest Saga 3, ebook currently Kobo-only)

Theresa Snyder

Book 7 includes a sapient gryphon point of view character.The first six are all dragons, but the author says she intends to include more gryphons going forward.

M. Stunich

She seems to mostly do romance… maybe erotica?… but this one is filed under fantasy/children’s fantasy. I didn’t see a follow up, but I didn’t look too closely at her books after the words “reverse harem” kept showing up.

James Sturm, Alexis Frederick-Frost, Andrew Arnold

Tags: children’s book, gryphons as pets/mounts, unclear how sapient the gryphon is but it makes the horse jealous?

K J Taylor

@WorldStitcher KJTaylor.com
Tags: grimdark, villainous protagonist, gryphon as protagonist (much less screen time than the human protagonist, but the first series follows both), gryphons as pets/mounts (not pets), gryphon rider (subversive to dragon rider tropes), flagship series.

  1. The Dark Griffin (Fallen Moon 1)
  2. The Griffin’s Flight (Fallen Moon 2)
  3. The Griffin’s War (Fallen Moon 3)
  1. The Shadow’s Heir (Risen Sun 1)
  2. The Shadowed Throne (Risen Sun 2)
  3. Shadow’s Heart (Risen Sun 3)
  1. The Last Guard (Southern Star 1)
  2. The Silent Guard (Southern Star 2)
  3. The Cursed Guard (Southern Star 3)

Fiona Jade (F. J.) Thornburg

Listed as Fiona Jade Thornburg on Amazon but F. J. Thornburg on the cover art. Recommended by Nicole James through the contact form (thank you!) who adds: “The author has a website too with tons of beautiful artwork for the story!”
Website: artof-fjt.weebly.com
Twitter: twitter.com/gremlinhorse
Tags: gryphons, hippogryphs, sapient, protagonist, dragons

  1. The Flaming Queen (The Tales from Veynekan 1)

Sophie Torro

Vikki VanSickle and Cale Atkinson

Michael Waylander

Sapient Gryphons as minor characters.

  1. The Phoenix and the Carpenter
  2. The Phoenix and the Carpenter: The Dark Sorcerer

Michael Wallace

He has the Red Sword and Dark Citadel series which may be in the same world and may both contain gryphons. I’m not sure yet. http://michael-wallace.blogspot.com/
Tags: gryphon riders

  1. The Red Sword (Red Sword 1)
  2. The Black Shield (Red Sword 2, gryphons on the cover!)
  3. The Emerald Crown (Red Sword 3)

Jeff Wheeler

I just happened to come across the cover of Silverkin and saw all of the gryphons. I need to verify that it does have gryphons. The reviews say it’s a sequel to Landmoor, so I included that one, too. His website says he intended this to be a 10 book series but stopped after book 2.

  1. Landmoor (Landmoor 1)
  2. Silverkin (Landmoor 2)

Elizabeth Willey

Note that the Kindle version uses the UK spelling and so it doesn’t appear on the same page as the paperback and hardcover, but there is an ebook edition of each in the series. Thanks to Cat Rambo for pointing this out.

Eric K. Williams

Jen Williams

According to Saylor, the Winnowing Flames series has gryphons past the first book, The Ninth Rain. Also, as of 9/6/2023, Talonsister does not have a US Publisher, but you can import it from the UK.

  1. The Ninth Rain (Winnowing Flame 1)
  2. The Bitter Twins (Winnowing Flame 2)
  3. The Poison Song (Winnowing Flame 3)

Rakeela Windrider

The kalla are anthropomorphic sapient gryphons who are minor characters early on, but there’s an important one in the fourth novel.

  1. The Tachanigh-Kelkaith (Theoma 1)

Michael Winkle

Michael is also down in the nonfiction section and short story section for his nonfiction/anthology hybrid The Eyrie: A Book of Gryphons. On his blog, he mentions having two more unfinished novels, Hoard Search and The Gryphon Orb, which may be available at a later date.

Rebecca Yarros

Sapient gryphons as mounts show up in the first book as villains with a larger role in the sequels.

  1. The Fourth Wing (The Empyrean 1)
  2. Iron Flame (The Empyrean 2)
  3. Onyx Storm (The Empyrean 3)

Comic Books

Funa / ふな

Now available in English! I’m not sure the romanization of their name, but they go by Funa on Twitter. Their works can also be read on the Forest Survivor Wix Site. Twitter: @funa_des. Tags: sapient gryphons. Their native language is Japanese, so if you reach out to them, keep in mind they’re using Twitter’s autotranslate to read and reply and keep it clear.

Gryphon Short Stories, Anthologies, Serial Fiction, etc.

  • “Two Hearts” by Peter S. Beagle, a coda to The Last Unicorn. It’s a 16k novelette. In addition to being available on his website via the link above, it can also be found in many of his short story collections or the complete edition of The Last Unicorn.
  • Fantastic Companions edited by Julie E. Czerneda
  • Griffin Ranger: Hunter” by Roz Gibson (set in the same world as her Griffin Ranger novel series).
  • The Griffin” by the Brothers Grimm. Their short story “The Singing, Springing Lark” also has a gryphon cameo.
  • “The Story of the Dreadful Griffin” by Michael Fairless from The Grey Bretheren.
  • Maiden Squad Serialized fiction by @OfTheWilds
  • Blue Eyes and Other Tales by K. Vale Nagle is set in the same world as Eyrie and includes four short stories, two of which take place after Starling and before Reevesbane. The stories are “Blue Eyes,” a beak-cute lesbian gryphon love story with terror birds; “Connixation,” one small snowy gryphon against the end of the world set generations before the novels; “Silver Eyes,” two gryphons searching a sinister mountain to save a friend set after Starling; and “Blue-eyed Festival,” which ties together the previous stories. The series is themed around the taiga gryphon prides whose eyes change color to blue in the winter the same way reindeer eyes do. Currently, it’s a newsletter exclusive.
  • The Valdemar anthologies set in Mercedes Lackey’s world often include gryphon stories. When I reread them next year, I’ll make a list of which stories have gryphons and which anthologies they’re in. The essay “Under the Vale” by Larry Dixon from the anthology of the same name includes information on how Dixon and Lackey came up with the gryphons and the world building behind them. It’s a fascinating read, a sort of “Director’s Commentary” for the Valdemar books.
  • See The Eyrie: A Book of Gryphons by Michael Winkle below (hybrid nonfiction/short story anthology). His short story “Origins” includes a cameo by a gryphon god and is included in the anthology Gods With Fur edited by Fred Patten.
  • Tales of Cymria by KJ Taylor is a short story anthology set in her Dark Griffin world. Currently out of print with no plans to republish.
  • “Talonfire and the Tax Evader” by Bob Miller is in Unbound (The Clarion Call Volume 3) put out by the Agorist Writers’ Workshop.
  • Fire and Iron” by Matt Burns (for free at that link), also available in the anthology World of Warcraft: Paragons. I’m not sure what to do about the Warcraft novels and short stories, as gryphons serve as taxis in that world but rarely get any characterization. On the other hand, major gryphon authors have mentioned Warcraft 2’s gryphon riders inspiring their 9 book runs on gryphons. Use the contact form and let me know if you really want to see the full list of Warcraft books here. In the mean time, this short story deals specifically with Sky’ree, the famous gryphon from the old Warcraft II:Beyond the Dark Portal video game from the ’90s, set to the World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm. It’s a bit of an executive decision, but Sky’ree was my favorite Warcraft character as a small child, and I wanted a foot note that stories set in the Warcraft world exist.
  • Foaling Season” by Samuel Chapman in Metaphorosis magazine 1 June 2018.
  • “Holding Out” by Derek Siddoway from the Heroes Wanted anthology, set in his Gryphon Riders world with Sunflash.
  • Tales of Ruma by Martin Greening, Jody Lynn Nye, DJ Butler, Dave Farland, Aaron Michael Ritchey, Julie Frost, Quincy J. Allen, Steve Diamond, R. Jon Rock, John D. Payne, Ethan Hedmn, Robert Bagnall, Kristin Janz, Andrew Dunlop, Jonathan Fickle, and Daniel Hand. (I’m not sure yet which story has a gryphon in it, but the cover is a giant gryphon perched atop a Greek temple. It’s in Kindle Unlimited, so I’ll look into it later.)
  • The Trophy” by Charlotte Jardine, part of Monstrous – Cryptozoological Tales. Read for free at the link.
  • The Griffin and the Minor Canon” by Frank Stockton is one of the classic gryphon short stories about a priest who befriends a gryphon. I’d completely forgotten this story, but Erin Hoffman-John who wrote the Chaos Knight series was nice enough to remind me.


A. L. McClanan

Joe Nigg

James Spaid

  • The Gryphon Pages (Website, includes foreword by Joe Nigg so I’m counting it as literature.)

Michael Winkle

This book is actually a hybrid. It alternates between an overview of gryphon lore and a short story or novella, often based on the information just learned. It leans upon the works of Joe Nigg and the research of the Gryphon Pages, includes citations, and covers a wide spread of information.

Includes the fiction works:
“Ears of the Gryphon”
“The Guarded Gold”
“Io Unbound”
“A Missing Chapter from ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth'”
“The Curious Adventure of the Jersey Devil”
“Easy Come . . .”


I’m using affiliate short links for this list but don’t feel obligated to stick with them. Smile.Amazon.com will let you set it up so a portion of each purchase goes to a charity cause, such as helping out big cats or endangered parrots. There are some great causes out there.