As I promised when the boxed set went up, I know some readers prefer having the Jeff Brown covers in their digital libraries so Eyrie and Ashen Weald are both on sale for the rest of the month. Eyrie‘s free most places and 99 cents others (depending on the store/country), and Ashen Weald is mostly 99 cents. So if you want to pick up the first three gryphon books for the price of the boxed set, give it a go!
On the writing life side of things, I’m happily working on Crackling Sea. I started IVIG infusions to treat my autoimmune disorder, so life is a little chaotic now and should get easier as the infusions start to work in 3-6 months. I’m still hoping Crackling Sea will release in 2020, but my editing deadlines are tentative while we see how these treatments go.
Of course, that’s book 6 and you’re all waiting for book 5! It releases August 31st, and it’s… well, it’s a lot of fun! I won’t spoil anything, but if Reevesbane made you sad once or twice, The Ruins of Crestfall is here to make you feel happy =] With the infusions and global pandemic and everything else, I thought you might appreciate some warm, fuzzy feelings.
And now, guess who was busy getting stabbed with six long needles for six hours and infused with antibodies and forgot to turn in all the Kindle X-ray information for Crestfall? Yep, it’s me! Let’s see, what was Ninox up to in the last book and what do we need to stay about her in this one….
Oh! Oh! I nearly forgot. With Reevesbane‘s release, the Gryphon Insurrection series is in almost every major store. If you’re enjoying the series and want to help other readers find it, please feel free to leave a review. It’s tough to get traction sometimes, and reviews really help people get a feel for if a book has enough gryphons or not =]
Okay, back to filling out the Kindle X-ray. “Younce is a gyrfalcon and snow leopard gryphon. He is secretly afraid of fish…”