Today’s update to the fan art page is Maeve, AKA the CockatielForger! In this case, her dedication to fan art has produced so many works that only a few show up on the main page, and she gets an entire subpage to herself you can find here.
In addition to having turned the prologue of Starling into a comic, she’s written 19k+ worth of fanfiction retelling the same events from the frame of “What if Ferrick had survived the bog?” You can find that fic, two more GryphIns fanfics, and even some Song of the Summer King fics on her AO3.
If you enjoy her artwork or stories, leave a comment on her AO3 letting her know =] And to close out this update, here’s a few more of my favorites of hers. Though it was hard to pick!
The fan art page is now live! Since Flam Singer was the last person to share fan art, I thought I’d start with all of Flam’s works and go from there. My plan is that when I need a break from writing, I’ll pick an artist and get all of their pieces added. I’ve had a lot of fans ask where the best place to see all of the fan art is, and hopefully, by the end of the year, the answer will be here.
I’ve shared this before, but because I started out in mystery, horror, and literary fiction, I never expected anything I write to inspire fan art. My love of gryphons appears to be infectious, however, and there are well over 100 pieces of fan art and a dozen fanfics. I’ve had the most touching fan letters, and I’ve signed hundreds of books at this point. (Not too shabby for an immunocompromised author who doesn’t get out much!)
I’ve seen artists use GryphIns characters as examples for animation commissions, I’ve seen fan art end up on tie dyed t-shirts, I’ve seen dozens of original characters created set in the world of Belamuria, and I’ve even had artists reach out to say that I was wrong in my author’s note for Crestfall to exclude vampire finch gryphons, and here was art to prove that point.
It’s been a delightful journey, and it’s still going. While all of Flam Singer’s pieces are on the fan art page, linked above, here’s just a few of my favorites from over the years. And if you enjoy them, feel free to stop in and tell him so on Blue Sky or Patreon =]
Flam Singer once asked the important question: What if feathermanes had pony manes instead of lion manes?Flam had the very first fan art of Ninox.