Feral Fantasy Author

Tag: Book Release

Who’s That Gryphon #2?

The head of a songbird wearing something on their head, a feathered tail, cat paws in the back, bird talons in the front with bracelets or manacles on the wrists, a snide but confident look.

Day two of “Who’s that Gryphon?” as we count down to Pridelord’s release on August 1st.

Hmm, what’s this? Avian foretalons? That can’t be a starling… or can it?


Starling is available now!

The cover of Starling featuring a petrel gryphon lost in the bog surrounded by infected starlings.

Starling, the third book in the Gryphon Insurrection, has taken flight! Abandoned ruins, old enemies, new friends, and… tasty fish? Spread the news!

Buy it now!

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